Technic Essential (TE) is one of the accredited companies providing insurance CPD courses through the accreditation of The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ). TE has the experience of delivering CPD courses approved by the Hong Kong Insurance Authority. TE will also keen to develop insurance e-learning courses.   

TE is useful in developing insurance-specific courses, including both general management and technical courses.  The general process of training and development is as follows:

  1. Understand and evaluate the training and development needs through the process of:
    1. Understanding the company perspective on business strategy and corresponding human resources needs in achieving the plan;
    1. Reviewing the existing human resources structure and scope of duties of the working team;
    1. Interviewing the working team to understand their capability;
    1. Evaluate the gap between staff capability in achieving the business strategy and the existing staff capacity;
    1. Develop training and development framework and implementation plan.
  2. Establish the intended learning outcomes (ILO) of the courses;
  3. Develop course syllabus, course outlines, assignments, interactive exercises, and examination/testing papers.
  4. Monitor the performance for a period after completion, including but not limited to setting up Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and internal audits specific to the course outcomes.